Thursday, July 31, 2008


I don't know who really knows about our relationship. Frankly, I don't care. Well, actually I do care. I care because if she is more public about it, that means she is accepting and more comfortable of her position.

Our contractor was over the other night. He spends alot time here and I'm pretty sure he knows who makes the decisions. Anyway, the three of us were talking about different things that still need to be done. I mentioned to my wife that the lighting store called and our wall sconce was ready to be picked up.

My wife looked at me.
The contractored said laughing, "What's THAT look for?"
My wife raised her eyebrows and smiled and said, "He's knows. It's the why didn't you get the light yet look."
She kept looking at me, directly into my eyes and said, "Make sure you get it tommorrow."

I emailed her this moring saying that if he didn't know before, he knows now.
She returned my email and it said, "He definately knows."

So, who knows about you? Do you care?

Monday, July 28, 2008

I Got Fucked

I'm sorry if that is too graphic for some.

But Saturday night my wife took TOTAL control. We were on our deck, drinking some wine by the fire.

She pointed. I kissed and nibbled.
I stripped, she didn't.
She teased me.
She stroked me.
She placed my fingers inside her her cunt, then into my mouth.
She was soaked.
I licked.
She fed me her tits.
I sucked.
I sucked more.
She stood.
She lifted her skirt.
Her pussy was glazed in the fire light.
Freshly shaved.
She mounted me.
She grabbed my cock and put it inside her dripping pussy.
She said she was fucking me.
Up and down.
Tits in my mouth.
Shoulder biting.
In and out
Wetness everywhere.
She came.
Juices all over my crotch.
She granted me permission to cum.
I came.
I came.
I came more.
Our mixed cum ran down both our legs.
She fucked me.
She said, "I fucked you."
I got fucked.

Neighbors Knee Pads

I've always contended that most relationships are wife led the difference being that my wife and I have acknowledged it.

Over the weekend I ran into a neighbor. She was gardening with knee pads on. Quite sensible really. We joke alot so I asked her if my wife could borrow them. We both laughed and then she said,

"Sure. But Mike (her husband) has a pair I"m sure he'd let you borrow."

Looking at the world through my WLM eyes I thought, yup, she's the boss.

I did reply,

"Yea. That may be more appropriate given how our marriage works."

We both laughed and rambled on about kids.

I wonder what she thinks?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Submissive or Not?

I hate that word: Submissive. Sounds like I'm a sissy. Weak. Not a man. Of course, since this is my blog and this is one of my many issues please don't be offended. If you think you are submissive fine.

I hate that word.

Another reason, and probably the main one, is that if my wife and I were to tell, oh, anyone, about our wife led marriage and told them that I was "submissive" I believe they'd automatically think that I was submissive in all other aspects of my life too.

And what's funny is that I don't care who knows that we are in a wife-led marriage. I don't want them thinking I"m submissive.

If I'm at all submissive, it is to my wife and my wife only.

I often wonder if I'd be "submissive" or even in a wife-led marriage if I was to divorce and remarry. I honestly don't know.

Here is what I do know. Being in a wife-led marriage is great......for us. It works. It provides a framework, primarily sexual, for us to work within. And we are both happy.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Vacation, Then Talk

Something very interesting happened over the past two weeks.

I went away with my kids to a relative's house for a week. Great fun. My wife joined me a week later and then the two of us and the kids went to NYC and the beach for a week. All told, we were not in a wife-led marriage for those two weeks. Furthermore, I was pretty much in control due knowing where to drive, knowing more people, etc. etc.

At one point she said to me, "Wow, with you doing all the vacation planning and driving, I really miss being in control."

And for both of us, the "wife-led" aspect of our marriage has provided us with a framework in which to interact. Maybe expectations is a better word. Whatever it is, we didn't have it on vacation and we were out of sync.

Once back at home, she very, very quickly fell back into being more dominant. I plan on speaking with her to determine just how much she missed our wife-ledness (new word) and hopefully having her realize just how much apart of us it (the wife-led aspect of our marriage) has become.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Breathing Hard

Nope, not what you think.

We are back from vacation and I haven't had a moments rest in 5 hours. The day began with getting her coffee ready and serving it to her. I turned on the coffee pot while she showered then moved the laundry along (which I had started at midnight last night.)

Then it was onto cleaning a fairly empty fridge and she actually inspected it. Afterwards, more laundry and a trip to the hardware store for paint. She told me she might make me paint all day or untill it is totally done. Her choice.

Anyway, lots to do. She is being pretty demanding in the fun playful way and I'm really enjoying it. Got to go.

ps: Date night tonight. I wonder if I'll get any?

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Still Here

I'm still here, just on an extended vacation and don't have access to a private computer.

Things are good. With kids and a small hotel room, not much opportunity for wife-led things. I'll post again next week.