24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week of which about 64 are sleeping. That leaves just over 100 hours of awake time. I wonder how many of them, during an average week, are vanilla versus, shall we say "other." And how do we define "other." Certainly a 3 hour date night on a Saturday would count. But what if my wife adds changine the sheets on the bed to the "honey-do" list? Do I calculate the time it took her to put it on the board or do I include the time changing the sheets? And does the time calculation change if she tells me to do it nude?
Why all the math? For me and hopefully any readers, it's a reminder that our vanilla lives far out weight the other. And leads into what happened (and is happening) to me this past week.
My wife travelled last week and besides a few things to do, the week was very vanilla. And that's OK. However, it's been 8 days since my last orgasm and that's a little long for me. Usually, there is a mid-week "release" (my masturbating for her) and then a longer weekend date that frequently ends in sex.
So last night I mention the time since I was last allowed to orgasm. And then I started thinking. She's getting her ass kicked at work, our children want to see her and I'm practically humping her leg.
Here is the email I sent her this morning:
So I was thinking about my request to orgasm. I'm aware that you have been thinking about us. You mentioned it in a conversation about when returning from a trip, everyone wants a piece, numerous additions to my "to-do list" and a request for a date night this week. So let me start by saying thanks for thinking of us. With respect to an orgasm.....that's up to you. If you want to wait until this weekend then I'll wait. I would appreicate the opportunity to brush your hair, backrub, foot massage, etc.We'll see where this leads. Patience, patience, patience.