This question is huge and though not as pervasive as it once was, it's still there for me. I worry what she thinks. Am I not manly enough? Is a wife-led relationship out of her comfort zone? Even after her reading of "Wrapped Around Her Finger" and subsequent discussions it (title question) still nags for now.
Today she phoned with a few add on's to my to-do list. She told me to write them down on the board. The same location that I mentioned in a previous post.....a possibility that others may see. The following is an email dialog about an hour after her phone call.
From Her
Subject: Performance feedback
I am thinking that your performance might be deserving of release soon. Keep it up!
(Release mean orgasm!)From me:Great timing. Just finished gardening per your phone instructions. I'm also recharging the batteries for my tools to help Julie (and I suppose Steve too.) with her garage shelving. I love it when you provide my services to your female aquaintances!!!!! And I love you too. I've found that releasing (
orgasm) in front of you only once per week is both frustrating and rewarding. (I wonder if their different?) And since it's been a week, I'm pretty.....fired up. Thanks for thinking of me.
Wrapped and loving it. (are you?)---
Her reply:
Yes, I am loving the Wrap, and you too.
Wrapped refers to Wrapped Around Her Finger. A simple and fairly straight forward way to refer to her control over me. So for now, I should probably put my fears to rest.
I hope you are having the same luck that I am having.