Helpmate Hubby, as always, makes some great points regarding double standards in a wife-led marriage. If you haven't read his blog I suggest you do.
Piggy-backing on his idea a bit; expectations. I"ve found that before the double standards occur, expectations change. Barely noticable at first sometimes I'm taken aback as my wife gets more comfortable in new marriage.
Just the other day, she walked right past a full coffee pot and sat down, fully expecting that I'd get up from the couch and serve her morning java. The one that suprised me the most was whne she was waking up one morning and I just happened to be walking into the bathroom. She simple stated/asked/questioned/demanded, "No Crystal Light?" (I always bring place a glass next on her nightstand before she goes to bed.)
She wasn't angry or nasty about it. A glass of Crystal Light at bedtime has become what she expects. I on the other hand was estactic that she was starting to accept new role.
Gents, be careful what you wish for, you might get it. LOL