Sunday, May 27, 2007


Hey Helpmate: I can't get into your blog anymore. Invitation only. May I? Send me an email at


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Reply to a reader

I was just going to answer a question posted in my comments section but thought it might make and interesting post.

Yes, she dominates everything related to sex. However, she isn't into anything "femdom." You know, spanking, leather etc. She determines when, where and of course if we have sex. I don't orgasm, including masturbation, without her permission. She could have me "service" her orally or otherwise if she wants. Unfortunately, her lack of sexual desire doesn't lead to such situations. I do most of the domestic chores, serve her coffee each morning, etc. Two nighs ago, I put on a thong (man's), masturbated into it then she went to sleep while I drove her car to the gas station, filled it up, ran it through a car wash and vaccumed it out. All while quite....sticky:) She also requred that I sleep in it.

I believe that sexual domination comes in many forms. Basically, if she arouses you and controls the situation then it's sexual domination. She once teased me with her foot under a restaurant table. We left while I was still aroused. It was quite obvious due to the fact that I was only wearing thin summer weight pants. One woman looked up at just the right/wrong moment and got a complete eyeful. The shocked look on her face was priceless. LOL

She's the boss!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Still Going

Simply stated: My marriage is a wife-led marriage. As always, ups and downs. What we struggle with, in general, is my wife's lack sexual desire. Though I think a wife-led marriage helps this situation as she gets to dictate anything sexual, it is not a fix-all.

But we are committed to our marriage, each other and for the forseeable future, the concept of a wife led marriage and all that it intails.

I hope that those reading this blog find happiness and a dominant wife!

I'll write again soon when something important happens. Either way, mid-June is our anniversary of our wife led marriage (it's when I gave her the Aroundherfinger book.) We've talked about different ways of celebrating this occassion but haven't come to a conclusion. I'll let you all know.