Sunday, June 20, 2010

Final Say

Though it's officially next week, we celebrated our 4th anniversary of being wife led. Well, actually, it's more like when we acknowledged it. As stated here frequently, we've been wife led since the beginning.

She asked me how, in one sentence only, I would define wife led. I came up with a few. It's not easy.

Here is what she said, "Our wife led marriage is one where I consider my needs and yours, get your input and when we don't agree, I have the final say."

Pretty much.....instant hard on....LOL


At 3:53 PM, Blogger Walter H. Schulze III said...


great way of setting things in order.


At 2:41 AM, Blogger Playfully Yours said...

So glad to see things moving in the right naughty direction.

At 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about, “Wife led means, your wife using her feminine charm and beauty encourage your submission, you always putting her pleasure first, you always prepared to obediently follow her directions, and a feeling of overwhelming joy and excitement at sensing her willingness to lead.”

At 1:27 PM, Blogger sean said...

At All Times---- Wonderful I could not agree more. Being wife led is where the superior woman who is loving rules her hubby and dictates always what will be done. And the husband obediently does what he is told-- ALWAyS


At 3:46 AM, Blogger linewriter said...

If you wait long enough and talk enough you will solve anything!
Good job on the sober talk to. It's hard ain't it

At 9:29 AM, Blogger * said...

Our marriage is wife led. We like it that way. Ask my husband.

PS: Thanks for your compliment on my blog.


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