Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Not alot to blog about. We are just cruising along. Some minor ups and downs but nothing blog worthy. And she has a very large project due in 2 weeks so I don't expect much "action" during this time.

I hope all is well in your relationship.


At 6:27 AM, Blogger Walter H. Schulze III said...

I find I have to remember in times where my wife is busy with outside projects consuming her free time and I am feeling neglected, that this is not about me. That is when I work on my empathy and try to imagine what she is enjoying at the moment and how I can help out. That then helps get me out of the funk and motivated again until she swings back around and engages her authority over me.

Things are well here. We spent the whole weekend together and with the kids and several other extended family members. I cleared all the routine chores away before, so the weekend was just entertainment.

At 1:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

use this time to prove your submission is real and give her reasons to be thankful that she is in charge


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