Friday, March 09, 2007

A Very Quick Update

Up and down.......that's how I'd describe the wife led aspect of my marriage. And as such, physical intimacy has been lacking which makes me feel VERY distant from her.

However, she's getting back into the grove and I'll ask her this weekend if it is because she wants our relationship to head in this direction again or if she is only doing it for me.

Very early this morning she had me run a bath and deliver her coffee with breakfast. While she was relaxing I ran out and filled up her car and ran it through the wash all while wearing a man's thong under my sweats. Just prior to leaving she gave it a good yank.

Upon return she had me retrieve something from behind the tub, stripping down to the thong. And while doing so gave me a swat on the ass. During a phone call later this morning I was told to masturbate but not orgasm.

I mention these three things because they matter. A man in a wife led marriage is not without wants and desires. His service can be performed in a vacuum for only so long. As my wife's libido is somewhat low, I"ve told her that I like this type of attention and feel that it helps me serve her and alleviates the need for intercourse thereby taking some pressure off of her.

I guess, if her libido is low, then giving/recieving sexual attention must be tough for her. We will continue to work on it. Most important is that we do a fairly good job of commnunicating and as you all know, that is very important in a marriage.


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Lady Julia said...

I mention these three things because they matter. A man in a wife led marriage is not without wants and desires. His service can be performed in a vacuum for only so long.

Excellent point. A relationship that isn't symbiotic is going to be strained at best.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger bud said...

I so agree....

At 7:36 PM, Blogger helpmate hubby said...

I must echo the sentiments of Lady Julia and also like to add that a good vacation is wonderful for reviving the libidio. Good luck to you!

At 2:07 AM, Blogger collared_mark said...

i think you should make more efforts for raising her libido. make romantic dinner with candles and such a thing and let Her enjoy in the evening.
i wish you luck!!!


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