Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Funny Thing

With all the comments from my last post I thought I should write about something funny.

My wife forgot how to coffee. As my few faithful readers know, I make it and serve it to her daily. It's our "thing." Our connect time and a daily reminder that however much we struggle, it still is a wife-led marriage.

I was out of town and she called me. She was attempting to set it up and have it automatically turn on the next morning. But she hit the auto button twice by mistake and as she was lying in bed she heard it percolating.

How's that for being in a wife led marriage? Certain aspects of our WLM are such an everyday part of our life that it leads to forgetting how to do certain things. I bet she can't remember the last time she cleaned a toilet either.

Forgot how to turn on the coffee pot (or at least the timer.) Very funny and it makes me quite happy actually.


At 7:32 AM, Blogger Spin said...

Wow! What does one say to that? My hubs had at one point done EVERYTHING for me too.
I told him I wasn't worthy. He is still very helpful but not to the point you're at.
So I haven't read you in a bit. I need to go back and see what I have missed.

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Spin said...

I haven't missed anything....
You're away-she had to make her own coffee.
When you come home do you get back on the bended knee and serve the coffee?
Just wondering I will be the LAST to ever judge.

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The morning coffee is an important thing to us, as well. Good story.

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Noel said...

I am thoroughly enjoying forgetting how to clean my bathroom ;-)

At 12:23 PM, Anonymous He Worships Her said...

My wife has "forgotten" how to dust the house, clean the bathrooms, scrub the tile floors, vacuum the house, iron most of her clothes, make the bed, prepare a martini at 5PM (for two), prepare dinner, clean up afterwards and of course has forgotten how to allow me to cum. She has remembered how she has orgasms on demand and to punish me when I displease her. Other than that, life is the same as always the past 6 years.


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