Monday, December 29, 2008

The Sculpture

Someone asked for more information concerning the sculpture I gave my wife. This site views it from multiple angles.

Here is what was written on the card that came with the statue:

"Throughout Auguste Rodin's career, the couple was a constant source of inspiration, enabling him to express all nuances of tenderness, passion and sensuality. Along with The kiss, Fugit Amour, "idol" is one of the most famous groups inspired by this theme. Rodin chose to portray in this group the domination of women over man who kneels before her in an attitude of adoration, and seems to pay an almost religious homage to an indifferent divinity.

It should be noted that the first title for this work was The Host, clearly indicating this notion of devotion. The composition of the group accentuates it psychological aspect. The deliberate vertical line formed by the woman's arms and head contrasts with the diagonal of the man's body and increases the impression of his dependence and respect."

What's amazing is that she decided to put in our living room with a lamp spot lighting it. I'm hoping she moves it to the top of the piano. :)


At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just have one word for you whatevershesays - Inspired.

What better way to say how you feel but in a subtle and beautiful way.

What did your wife get you for Christmas?

At 5:34 AM, Blogger whatevershesays said...

AAT: Nothing wife led. And I'm fine with that. We spend our Christmas money on the kids and one of them needs minor surgery (all's OK) and my gift will be this weekend because we are spending it at a local hotel. She gets pretty playful away from home.

At 12:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great time, you both desrerve it, maybe your wife will want to try and reproduce the sculpture for real.....!!!!

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

What a wonderful sculpture and a wonderful gift. Inspiring to look at and I never knew the background of it. Thanks...

and Happy New Year.



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