Sunday, October 15, 2006

Public Undressing

OK you pervs....not what you think. I didn't spend any time in jail. What actually occurred was safer and a whole lot more stimulating.

Left the kids for a little while yesterday and went shopping with the wife. She need some mascara that she could only buy at Macys. Of course we made a run through all the departments.

When walking through ladies clothing I noticed a pretty cool looking white blouse. Textured, somewhat low cut, sexy yet sophisticated enough for her to wear to work.

There weren't many women around and she was about 15-20 feet away when I said, "Hey Babe, look at this white blouse. It would look good on you, etc."

Her reply, "I wouldn't need another white blouse if you'd keep up with the ironing."

"Sorry, I'll try and stay on top of that better."

Well, least 4 women looked our way. I'd like to report that some smiled, one said use a paddle, etc. Truth is, I was so shocked and focused on her that I only noticed that they looked at us. Aroused and humiliated.

Talk about a public undressing.


At 9:14 PM, Blogger helpmate hubby said...

Isn't it kind of erotic to be subtly "outed" publicly about the dynamics of your marriage when amoungst strangers? I used to be more embarassed than turned on by such incidents, but now it's vice-versa.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger VeezKnight said...

I'd have to agree with helpmate hubby. I kinda like it. I guess largely because I am increasingly more comfortable in my submissive role and because I see no reason to hide how well female authority works.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Mistress Laura's boy said...

Nice. I've had that experience too from time to time and each time I just blush and feel embarassed and turned on.

At 6:15 AM, Blogger A M said...

I love situations like this. It's a wonderful feeling. I'm sure one or two women may have taken it for more than it was.


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