Saturday, August 09, 2008

A First Time

I don't believe I've posted twice in one day but thought this was noteworthy.

Friends dropped off their kid for a birthday/sleepover. I mentioned that in the 8 years we've lived here we have only had the house overnight to ourselves once. (with 3 kids that's no suprise.)

I said something about if that happens again, we could go out to dinner and then come back to the house. My wife looked me directly in the eyes and said, "Or I could just sit here and watch you cook me dinner." I replied, "Of course, that would work too." There was a bit of silence then the conversation went esle where.

After they left I said something about her comment. She replied, "Just be happy I left out that you'd be wearing an apron with all the windows open, like a fishbowl (for all to see.)" Wow.


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