Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I don't take alot of pictures with my cell phone. But the other day my wife looked so damn hot. She's tan now after our vacation and she decided on this warm day to go without pantyhose. It's been awhile, months actually, since she was able to be bare-legged.

She left the house with a new dress on. It's very nice looking, black and white but what sets it apart from others is that it is just a tad shorter than usual. Still proffessional of course.

Later in the day at my son's doctors appointment she lifted up her skirt and flashed me her new slip. I don't know what it is, but I love slips. This one is a shiny, black and dark purple with black lace. I had helped her buy it. Wow. I noticed that when she bent over, the skirt road up her fabulously long (she's 5' 8") tan legs and exposed her slip. OMG.

Two nurses came into the room and were examing my son and asked my wife to help. As she bent over.......CLICK. I'm so stupid, I forgot how much sound the camera phone makes. My then says, "What are you doing, taking a picture of my ass?" I stammered something about not even knowing how to take pictures, blah, blah, blah. BUSTED

Later I wrote her a card apologizing for my indiscretion but describing what I saw, in very flattering terms, and how I'm only human. She read the card and said it (the card) was a good idea.

Looking back I wished I had thrown all caution to the wind with those nurses present and said yes I am taking a picture of you ass. It's fabulous and you are tremendously sexy and I worship you.


At 10:59 AM, Blogger helpmate hubby said...

Great story, would love to see a discrete picture of Her on your blog, always nice to see the object of one's FLR affection, even if it's just clothed body shot.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Susan's Pet said...

Oh My,

You are soooo baaad!

I can visualise the provocative situtation, and probably have done the same.

About slips, my feeling is that slips are very feminine. I associate them with lovelyness, kindness, beauty, and care. But that is just me.


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