Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Wife Led Marriages

Yea, yea, I know this blog is about my wife led marriage. But I can't help it, I'm very excited that Obama won. He is a breath of fresh air and lets face it, Michelle runs that marriage.

In my life, not much is going on. Just a few little things. Yesterday she mentioned, my wife, not Michelle, that her gas tank was running low. But with driving my kids to various events, while my wife worked out...oh wait, that was wife led too.....and then watching the election, I forgot.

This morning she asked me about it. I told her I forgot but could run out now. She seemed to ponder this, hesitating, trying to balance what I want, what's right and what she feels comfortable with and then said yes, she'd like her tank filled and it would warm up the car too.

I'm very glad that she said yes. I think I'll ask her about it later.

Go Obama.


At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're happy about the election,and I love your blog, AND I know it's your blog, but speaking for myself, I prefer politics to be separate. Probably half of your readers do not share the same political views, and one of the reasons I like to read blogs like yours is to get away from the political chatter. That being said, thanks for all the great entries. It's been a help to me

At 12:14 PM, Blogger whatevershesays said...

glad the blog helps you. And for the record, I've never posted anything political before.

But I disagree with 1/2 not liking Barack. I think that to be in a wife led marriage you need to be accepting of new ideas and open minded. And this is the internet so I would assume some readers are foreign and most of the rest of world is tired of Bush and his moronic foreign policy. Oh crap, there I go again....LOL

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How right you are about "most of the rest of world ...tired of Bush, etc." !!

Alex - Paris - France

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Owbee said...

The best thing you can do is build her confidence in being able to ask you to do things for her.
It really helps if you can remember to ask if there is anything she would like you to do.

At 1:52 AM, Blogger Poppet Subslut said...

For what it's worth i too was delighted when Obama won, as i suspect was a large part of the world.

Great blog by the way.

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These little stories are my favorites of all your postings because really, isn't it the small instances that make it all count and mean something? They all add up to make our relationships so beautiful and fulfilling.


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