Thursday, October 30, 2008

You Can Ask....

I read quite a fair amount of blogs and it's not uncommon for the man in a FLR or husband in a wife-led marriage to struggle with balancing the "waiting for the wife to take the initiative" and "asking/hinting, whatever for sexual favors" that he wants. Lets face it, even guys who are in a committed wife led marriage have needs and wants.

This morning was one of those times. I was horny. There, I said it. Big suprise, a horny guy...LOL So as to not pressure my wife too much, I asked if I could arouse myself outside the bathroom/master closet door while she got dressed. I figured this way, she would have me gawking at her and feel like she should "do something sexual."

She said no, I want to watch you in here. While arousing myself as she applied her makeup she said:

"It is OK for you to ask for what you's my decision to give it to you or not."

Ah, the essence of a wife-led marriage. My only concern is that she will allow me too much. I'll bring this up to her and let you all know what she says.


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you mean, I'll let you all know "whatevershesays" lol

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Asking for what I want is huge for me, as I've written on a number of occasions. My ability to ask for a WLM came directly from our "game" where I had to ask for sexual release. For me, it was about learning to ask for what I want/need.

If you wife is comfortable having you ask and feels no pressure to answer "Yes" - isn't worried about being seen as "mean" if she says "No" - and enjoys being able to choose, then it sounds like you two are in a great place and fun place.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Owbee said...

The closet incident says a LOT about your wife's dominance over you. I would be very careful about what you wish for. You might want to consider asking her what she wishes for first.


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